A small introduction

Beroya Christians Children Foundation

Beroya Children’s Christian Foundation is a project intended to supplement and support the ministry being done by Beroya Church Nairobi Githurai. After the church established we observed that most families in the area were living below poverty levels. Apart from the need for the desperate need of the Saving Gospel the area need support. Most family relied in on illegal businesses such as making and selling illicit brews, sale of drugs, all forms of crime. Those who have legal sources of income were doing menial jobs which cannot even afford them any of the basic needs, such as shelter, food, clothing medical and education.

Let us introduce the children

About the Children

The most affected people are the children, who most of them came from single parent families and unstable families. Most children cannot afford to go school even with education being subsidized by the government. None of the families can afford any form of medical cover or services. This affect the quality of the children life leading most them entering them in the same circle of life, of getting children out of wedlock, engaging in illegal activities to survive.

Our Focus and Strength…

What we are doing

We therefore decided to establish our focus from bottom that is starting at the foundation , hence we saw the necessity to find a way to break the circle by helping the children. The focus is to change the trajectory of the future this children by intervening in three ways.

Our Approach 

Our Approach is to have a three pronged approach in assisting the Children.

Provide a Christian Foundation

Provide Education Support

Provide Medical Coverage

Christian Foundation

All Children supported through this project will be given a Christian foundation through Sunday school. Their parents will also be engage to ensure these children grow up in a Christian manner. This is crucial in breaking the circle of failure and desperation.

In addition to normal Sunday school attendance, church and the foundation intends to hold regular camps which will provide Christian growth, life skills and career advice.


The Foundation intends to support the children under the project to attend school. The children shall be supported to pay School fees, buy school supplies (books) and uniform.

This will help the children have a better chance at life improving their lives as well as their families

Medical Coverage

Medical coverage is one of the most difficult things to find. Most families rely on over the counter pain medications and self-diagnosing. The medical services are expensive and hard to come by.

We intend to put each family that has child under the nation medical insurance cover. This cover will allow the whole family to enjoy basic medical services from all government facilities and some low cost private medical services.

How You can Help

You can help by sponsoring or donating to the foundation.

Sponsorship: you can pick a child or children to sponsor. The sponsorship package involves paying for schools fees and medical cover. The school fees include tuition fee, books and uniform. The medical coverage will cover the whole family.

The cost of sponsoring ranges from 32.5 USD per month, which will cover the fees and the medical cover.  This allocation will be to the specific childe and a sponsor will be able to keep in touch with the sponsored child.  Annual visits to Kenya for a number of the sponsors shall also be organized during which they can visit the children and their families.

Donation: This could be one time or regular donation. This will help pay fees for children who are in school but are not sponsored, buy books and also finance children’s camp.

To donate you can use the donate button or contact us for more information.

For More information you can contact us childrens@beroya.org

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